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By Use Case

Make finding information painless

EnhanceDocs makes finding documentation so easy that you will wonder why it hasn't always been this way.

EnhanceDocs screenshoot
    • Wix Engineeringllm-chainArrow
    • Leemonsbohr.ioXebia

Train Teammates

Answer questions & train teammates

Inbox filled with repeat questions? Answer “how do I…” in seconds.

With EnhanceDocs, you can:

  • Quickly answer “how do I…?” for your teammates.

  • Empower teammates to learn processes.

  • Fill gaps in any formal training programs.

Try the live demo

Answer questions & train customers

Answer questions & train customers

Calendar cluttered with one-off, repetitive customer trainings? Cut training time in half — give them access to EnhanceDocs.

With EnhanceDocs, you can:

  • Quickly answer “how do I…?” for your customers.

  • Boost customer onboarding and adoption.

  • Replace or support live trainings with on-demand training content.

Try the live demo


Get new hires up to speed

With EnhanceDocs, new employees can quickly grasp company-specific know-how and processes, as it serves as an onboarding buddy, guiding them through the internal documentation. The powerful search capabilities ensure that newcomers find the information they need within seconds, making their integration into the company smoother and more efficient.


Faster to reach full employee productivity

“By EnhanceDocs being accessible right through Slack, our team now saves 38% of their time in answering HR tickets, enabling greater efficiency and productivity.”

Maria Hill – Chief People Officer

Make finding information painless

Be nice to your team and introduce EnhanceDocs to their workflow. Now they won't struggle anymore to find those documents in the obscure company documentation.